Group Fitness Classes

All of our group fitness classes are offered at various times throughout the day on a regular schedule. Class sizes are kept small so that you can receive personal attention not found in larger group classes. Additionally, we offer an unlimited membership that lets you take as many classes as you want.
HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training
HIIT classes are the most diverse class PROTOGYM offers. With a mix of Core and Balance, Plyometrics, Resistance, and Speed, Agility, and Quickness training, there is nothing you won’t do!The focus of the class is metabolic conditioning and is executed in a high intensity, short duration circuit training environment to maximize fat loss. Whether you are looking to lose fat, improve neurological function, gain some strength, improve your conditioning, or just looking for a comprehensive, athletic workout, HIIT will accomplish all of these goals.COME TRY A CLASS TODAY!